2023 Beijing International Property Expo

數(shù)量(個(gè)) 面議
  • 供貨總量: 電議
  • 最小起訂: 1個(gè)
  • 發(fā)貨地址: 本地至全國(guó)
  • 付款方式: 面議
  • 發(fā)布日期:2023-03-10
  • 訪問量:149




實(shí)名認(rèn)證 企業(yè)認(rèn)證
  • 聯(lián)系人:王
  • 手機(jī):13918202878
  • 電話:-
  • 營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照:已審核 營(yíng)業(yè)執(zhí)照
  • 經(jīng)營(yíng)模式: 貿(mào)易型-
  • 所在地區(qū):上海 寶山區(qū)
  • 家家通積分:600分


品牌 規(guī)格型號(hào) 完善
編號(hào) 齊全 計(jì)量單位 1個(gè)
付款方式 面議 參考價(jià)格 0
價(jià)格單位 人民幣 供貨量 不限
說明書,報(bào)價(jià)手冊(cè)及驅(qū)動(dòng) 暫無相關(guān)下載 其他資料下載 暫無相關(guān)下載
產(chǎn)地 本地 發(fā)貨地 本地至全國(guó)


2023 Beijing International Property & Investment Immigration Expo


Date: June 16-18, 2023     Venue: Beijing Exhibition Hall



The 2023 Beijing International Real Estate Investment Immigration Exhibition will be held in Beijing on June 16-18, 2023! The exhibition covers overseas real estate, investment immigration, study abroad and other fields. The three-day exhibition is expected to welcome exhibitors from more than 20 countries and regions including China, the United States, Canada, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom,  and Cyprus.

Beijing International Real Estate Investment Immigration Exhibition is committed to creating a comprehensive service platb integrating overseas property and investment immigration, and strives to provide all-round services for overseas real estate companies, immigration companies, study abroad institutions and domestic investors.



Why Participate:

As the rapid arowth of Chinese rich families, it has been becoming a trend for them to seek internationalized lifestyle. pursue high qualitv livina standard and realize international alb of household assets.The international alb ofhousehold assets will continue to be a stable investment mode for realizing the maintenance and appreciation of the assets.Many high net worth people in China are considering overseas property purchase and immigration, and education and pollution are the main causes.Along with food safety problems and medical resources shortaae. Now more Chinese buyers have turned their sights abroad.Chinese rich familiesgo andbuy overseas houses with impetus of pursuing nice air, graceful life environment and mature education system.

Compared to domestic real estate, overseas properties own many advantages on perpetual freehold, refined decorations, etc.


Exhibition Inbation

Date: June 16-18, 2023

Venue: Beijing exhibition hall

Exhibition Hall Address 135 Xizhimenwai Street, Xicheng District, Beijing

Organizer: Shanghai Century Dingsheng Exhibition Co.Ltd


Participation Fee:

A、Standard booth(3x3=9 )

(booth configuration: English fascia board,one table, two chairs, carpet, one 220V power socket and two spotlights.)


B、Special booth: Booth: Minimum 36 sq.m, does not provide any configuration


Exhibitor Profile:

1.International Real Estate Developers, Agents and Brokers

2.Land, Farm, Apartments and Villas Investments

3.International lmmigration (agents and law firms) International lnvestment Consulting Firms

4.American EB-5 Projects and Regional Center

5.State & Local Governments/Associations/Chambers

6.Overseas Medical Check-up Plus Tourism

7.International Study or Training Institutes


Visitors Attrbs:

The show dedicates to helping individuals and companies:

Looking for property investment opportunities abroad and getting reliable inbation about real estate market prospects in different countries.

Getting to know more about the overseas immigration policy and new immigration investing projects.

Seek agency cooperation for overseas property and immigration projects.

Inquiring to experience high quality medical check-up abroad meanwhile enjoying local customized tourism.

Sending children abroad for learning or professional training on foreign languages.


Exhibition Promotion

1.The exhibition will be ensure that the presence of a large amount of high-end customer groups to participate by targeted propaganda. Invite VIP customer groups one-on-one with cooperative agencies.The audience will include villa owners. high-grade residential property ownersgolf club membership, private club membership,equestrian club members, high-end business training

bs, starred hob,chamber of Commerce etc.

2. New media publicity: Tiktok, WeChat friends circle, Toutiao today, Baidu, 360 and other new media,e-mail, database marketing publicity.

3.Brochure: sent to the audience through cooperative business associations, media and participation in relevant industry exhibitions and activities.


Exhibition participation procedure

1.Fill in the Application Form, stamp it with seal and send it back to the organizing committee.

2.The booth arrangement is based on the principle of first registration, first payment, and first arrangement. The organizing committee has the right to adjust a small number of booths. (In order to ensure the overall image of the exhibition, the organizing committee reserves the right to negotiate with the exhibitors to finally adjust the booth b)

3.Within three working days after confirming the booth, pay 50% of the exhibition fee as the deposit to the account designated by the organizing committee. Confirm the booth after the payment is received, the rest of the exhibition fee should be paid 30 days before the exhibition. Otherwise,the exhibitor will be regarded as giving up the right to exhibit by the organizing authority. If the exhibitor quits the exhibition after the registration, the exhibition fee will not be refunded,and the organizer reserves the right of final interpretation of this exhibition.


Contact Us

Allen 張偉






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